When you have braces, maintaining oral hygiene becomes crucial to ensure the health of your teeth and gums throughout your orthodontic treatment. Properly brushing and flossing after every meal is essential in keeping your smile in top-notch condition. Our team understands that selecting the appropriate toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss can be overwhelming amidst the numerous options available on the market. However, worry not! We are here to guide you in choosing the right products tailored specifically for both your teeth and appliances. Your dental well-being is our utmost priority, so feel free to seek assistance from us whenever required.
Brushing With Braces
When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene with braces, proper brushing technique is crucial. Brushing with braces can be a bit trickier than without, but following a few tips can ensure thorough cleaning and prevent any potential damage. Firstly, choose a soft-bristled toothbrush or an electric toothbrush specially designed for braces. These will effectively clean your teeth without causing harm to the brackets or wires. Angle your brush at 45 degrees towards the gum line and gently brush in small circular motions on both the outer and inner surfaces of each tooth. Don't forget to pay extra attention to hard-to-reach areas around the brackets and wires.